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Programs and Services

Righteous Touch, Inc. (RTI), a non-profit (501c3), is committed to providing diversified educational summits, seminars/workshops, mentoring, and coaching as solution-based services for Seniors, veterans, former inmates, individuals desiring to maintain mental health wellness, and marginalized and disenfranchised individuals from social norms.

Our Programs

Mentoring, coaching, mental health support, summits, seminars,


We are dedicated to providing unique approaches to identify issues and concerns for disenfranchised/marginalized individuals and strategize and facilitate solutions to support their well-being.


Vulnerable populations for our support and services include but are not limited to individuals with multiple driver's license suspensions that impact employment, individuals with multiple arrests for child support and wage garnishment, veterans, ex-felons, and other disenfranchised/marginalized individuals in our communities.


Interactions may be available through virtual or in-person interactions.

Support Group
Youth Basketball Team


Empowering the next generation through mentorship, educational support, and skill-building activities.

Couple of Happy Colleagues


Providing a wide range of resources and support for adults to enhance their personal and professional development.

Playing Foosball


Offering specialized programs and activities to promote well-being and social engagement for seniors.

Construction worker
Former Inmates

Assisting individuals with reintegration into society through counseling, job readiness training, and community support.

How Can We Help

Discover the comprehensive services we offer to address mental health wellness, career development, and social empowerment.

Mental Health Counseling

Providing professional counseling and support services to promote mental health well-being and resilience.

Career Advancement

Offering specialized programs and resources to assist individuals in advancing their careers and achieving economic stability.

Community Advocacy

Engaging in advocacy efforts to promote inclusivity, diversity, and social justice within the community.

Educational Workshops

Conducting workshops and training sessions to enhance knowledge, skills, and personal development.

Reintegration Support

Providing guidance and resources to support the successful reintegration of veterans and former inmates into society.

Community Outreach

Engaging in outreach activities to connect with marginalized and disenfranchised individuals and offer support and resources.

Our Facilities

Explore the various amenities available at our center to ensure a comfortable and enriching experience for all our participants.

Image by Aaron Burden

Resource Center

Access a wide range of resources, including books, educational materials, and career development tools at our resource center.

Technology Lab

Utilize our computer lab equipped with the latest technology to enhance learning and skill development.

Community Store

Visit our community store to access essential items and resources at no cost, promoting a sense of community and support.

Learning Hub

Engage in continuous learning and exploration at our open library, fostering a culture of knowledge and personal growth.

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