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Get Involved

Our organization relies on donations to strategically plan and develop transformational services, and our programs integrate a holistic approach to empowering individuals in need. Financial support in the form of grants, corporate sponsors, and individual donations will be appreciated to support our mission.

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Women Holding Hands

Volunteer Opportunities


Get involved with RTI and make a difference in the lives of veterans, former inmates, and individuals in need of mental health support. Join us in our mission to empower and uplift our community.

Become a Mentor

Become a driving force for positive change by becoming a mentor at RTI. Your guidance and support can make a significant impact on the lives of those seeking to reintegrate into society.

Become a Sponsor

Sponsorship Opportunities

Partner with RTI to support our initiatives and programs aimed at helping veterans, former inmates, and marginalized individuals. Your sponsorship will contribute to creating a brighter future for those in need.

Mentor and Student Collaborating

Interested in Sponsoring?

Thank You for Your Support!

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